How to Purchase Gold

How to Order on Discord

Important Note: At our service, we prioritize your security. We will never send private messages or add you first. All transactions take place exclusively within tickets.

Step 1 - Check the Prices

You can find detailed information in our dedicated channels. Take your time to browse through the services we offer.

Step 2 - Open a Ticket

Once you've decided on the service, navigate to the purchase channel and look for the corresponding button that matches your chosen service. Click on this button to initiate the order process.

Step 3 - Fill out the Form

Clicking on the button will open a form designed to simplify the ordering process. It will prompt you to provide essential information, including your location, account value, and any other relevant details.

Step 4 - Ticket Conversation

After opening a ticket, you will find yourself in a private channel with one of our staff members. This is your dedicated space to ask questions, seek assistance, and address payment concerns.

Step 5 - Getting a Quote

Following discussions in the private channel, our staff will provide you with a final quote. Review the quote carefully to ensure that it includes all the services you require.

Step 6 - Payment

We offer a variety of payment methods, including traditional and non-traditional options. While we prefer cryptocurrency payments, traditional payments may involve third-party processing fees (5%-7.5%). Processing can take up to 24 hours.

Step 7 - Setting up Your Order

Once your payment is successfully completed, our experienced staff will create your order and notify our dedicated workers. The time it takes to process your order may vary based on workload.

Step 8 - Lay Back and Relax

With your order in progress, you can sit back, relax, and let our skilled workers handle the tedious tasks. You can return to the game once your service is complete.

What to Do After Purchasing an Account